
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

When Logic Takes Over: A Smart Chemical Approval

Wednesday, September 25, 2019 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT  
Host: AIHA
By: Abhishek Roy, Product Manager, Sphera

The United States is the second largest producer of chemicals in the world and more than 96% of all manufactured goods are directly impacted by chemistry. Knowing our products is mission critical. Organizations need data-driven control over which materials are brought onsite. To be most effective, a smart, logical, and configurable chemical approval system must be implemented across the enterprise. This process should empower the user to monitor compliance, regulations, restricted materials and risk (all while maintaining a record of these results). Facilities are unique, with unique organizations, workflows, and internal protocol. The most profitable chemical approval systems should be flexible enough to meet the needs of the facility—often including multiple approval conditions—and aggregate both regulatory and client data. In addition, providing immediate insight and automated logic helps ensure compliance, reduce risk, lower costs, promote productivity and drive product stewardship across all facilities.

Attendees will:

  • Understand the necessity of a smart, flexible approval workflow.
  • Explore how logical workflows can provide insight to better understand products during material evaluation.
  • Discover how to automate approval process and enhance product stewardship initiatives.


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Abhishek Roy
Abhishek Roy

Product Manager, Sphera

As Product Manager for Sphera, Mr. Roy brings over 12 years of expertise, ranging over chemical engineering, consulting, product and project management. He has focused his efforts on product management and chemical management solutions. Mr. Roy earned his B.E. in chemical Engineering from University of Mumbai and his M.S. in Engineering Management from The George Washington University in Washington DC.


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