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The "Miracle Mineral": How New Models are Transforming Asbestos Risk Assessment

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT  
Host: AIHA
By: Andrey Korchevskiy, Director of Research and Development, Chemistry & Industrial Hygiene, Inc.; Eric Rasmuson, President, Chemistry & Industrial Hygiene, Inc.; and James Rasmuson, Founder, CEO, and Senior Scientist, Chemistry & Industrial Hygiene, Inc.

Today, the use of asbestos in various products has been largely eliminated in the U.S. and other Western countries. However, industrial hygienists understand that asbestos issues are here to stay because of the presence of amphibole asbestos in ore and soil, remaining asbestos-containing materials in building construction, and flourishing asbestos utilization in the developing world. During the last decade, new models have been developed to demonstrate the health effects of asbestos that have been largely underutilized in industrial hygiene practice to date.

This webinar will examine recent development in asbestos health risk assessment, evaluate new resources, and discuss how asbestos regulations and corporate practices should reflect the latest scientific knowledge.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recent developments in asbestos health risk assessment modeling
  • Comparison between U.S. EPA IRIS and other cancer risk models
  • Evaluation of fiber type models at near-background exposure levels
  • Application of asbestos risk knowledge in industrial hygiene practice
  • Uncertainties and limitations in asbestos risk assessment
  • Limitations of current asbestos occupational standards
  • International views on asbestos risks and regulations
  • Lessons from the history of the “miracle mineral” rise and fall

TUNE INTO THIS WEBINAR to hear the speakers discuss how to assess and mitigate asbestos risks depending on the mineral type and size of asbestos fibers, as well as other significant factors.


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Andrey Korchevskiy
Andrey Korchevskiy

Director of Research and Development, Chemistry & Industrial Hygiene, Inc.

Dr. Andrey Korchevskiy has been the Director of Research and Development at C&IH since October 2009. He holds Ph.D. degrees in both applied mathematics and biology. He has over 130 scientific publications in the fields of industrial hygiene, epidemiology, and environmental health and safety, and has authored books and articles published in the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, France, Morocco, India, Japan, and Tajikistan, including peer-reviewed journal publications. He has developed several innovative models for performing asbestos health risk assessments. Since 2011, Dr. Korchevskiy has been serving as a Chairman of the International Task Force for Children’s Environmental Health with members from the U.S., Canada, Israel, U.K., and other countries.

Eric Rasmuson
Eric Rasmuson

President, Chemistry & Industrial Hygiene, Inc.

Mr. Rasmuson is a certified industrial hygienist (CIH) and is the President of C&IH. Mr. Rasmuson has over twenty years of progressive industrial hygiene experience. He has conducted numerous exposure evaluations for physical, chemical, and biological hazards and has developed appropriate risk management solutions. His research interests have included stochastic methodologies to define exposure assessment and risk assessment uncertainties and biostatistical methods to evaluate precision and accuracy of the exposure reconstruction process. He has published, taught, and presented on all of these various topics. Mr. Rasmuson also holds a Master of Science in information systems and develops and audits occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) management systems. He has consulted on industrial hygiene and OEHS management system issues for government research facilities; geological, pharmaceutical, and dental laboratories; waste water treatment plants; oil and gas production facilities; manufacturing and mining operations, and; renewable energy sites.

James Rasmuson
James Rasmuson

Founder, CEO, and Senior Scientist, Chemistry & Industrial Hygiene, Inc.

Dr. Rasmuson, a certified industrial hygienist (CIH), certified toxicologist (DABT), and AIHA Fellow, is the founder, CEO, and Senior Scientist at Chemistry & Industrial Hygiene, Inc. Since receiving his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Iowa State University in 1970, Dr. Rasmuson has worked in exposure and risk assessment, industrial hygiene, simulation testing, analytical chemistry, laboratory methods development, regulatory compliance, and quality assurance. His current areas of emphasis include the chemical action of toxic substances (chemical and physical agents) on the human body, the use and validation of retrospective and other exposure assessment techniques, and evaluation of human health risk assessment methodologies. His “Fellow†designation, awarded by his AIHA peers to less than five percent of the membership, recognizes contributions in original research, policy, industrial hygiene leadership, and teaching. He has published in the fields of asbestos exposure and risk assessment utilizing SEG, biomarker, and epidemiological concepts.