
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

Top 5 Most In-Demand Skills to Future-Proof Your Career and Organization

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Paul Eschen, Chief Marketing Officer, Bizlibrary

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In a rapidly evolving professional landscape, this webinar will focus on the importance of staying ahead by developing key personal and professional skills. Paul Eschen, CMO at BizLibrary, will share key takeaways from a recent Trends in Training survey of hundreds of HR and L&D professionals on the top skills that organizations are prioritizing in 2024 and beyond.

Here are the top three takeaways from the session:

Talent vs. Technology: Navigating Conflicting Priorities: As organizations strive to harness the benefits of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT for productivity gains, they face the challenge of balancing talent retention and development with the imperative to build scalable digital literacy.
Creating vs. Order Taking: Embrace Strategic HR Leadership: Transitioning from an order-taker to a creator in the HR domain means evolving beyond merely executing directives to proactively shaping strategic initiatives. This shift requires HR professionals to cultivate agility and adaptability, positioning themselves as indispensable strategic partners who not only respond to business needs but also anticipate and drive them.
Leadership 2.0—What the Leaders of 2030 Will Look Like: The Evolving Importance of Empathy and Communication: The transition from leaders of today to leaders of 2030 underscores a significant shift in the essential skills and attributes required to thrive in an evolving organizational landscape. A key focus of this evolution is the increased importance of empathy and effective communication.



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Paul Eschen
Paul Eschen

Chief Marketing Officer, Bizlibrary

As the chief marketing officer for BizLibrary, Paul Eschen designs and implements strategies to help his company achieve its growth goals. Paul is also responsible for key business initiatives, including designing offerings that make clients’ and prospects’ lives easier. Paul is known for his transformative ability to align sales and marketing teams to drive business results. With a degree from the University of Missouri in strategic communications and having spent the past eight years at Maritz, a motivation and incentive company, Paul has found a professional passion for behavioral science and its impact on improving the learner experience.


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