
Webvent Academy

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ATD Research: New Report on Culture

Thursday, June 22, 2023 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Caroline Cope, Senior Researcher, ATD and Rocki Basel, Director, Research, ATD

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ATD has released new research on organizational culture and the role of talent development. This report covers the importance of talent development in defining and modifying organizational culture, measuring culture, barriers to influencing culture, the effect of the pandemic, and talent development initiatives that drive organizational culture.

Among the findings from this report:
• Thirty-two percent of respondents reported that their talent development function was involved in defining organizational culture. Approximately the same percentage said their TD function was involved in defining organizational culture to a low extent or not at all.
• Thirty-one percent said their TD function was involved in planning strategies to modify organizational culture. In comparison, 38 percent of organizations involved their TD function in this process only to a low extent or not at all.
• Of those respondents who were with their organization before 2020, 44 percent said that organizational culture had improved; 38 percent said it had worsened. Those who said it had improved were more likely to cite increased flexibility as a major cause; those who said it had worsened cited difficulties in hiring and retaining staff as a primary cause.

Primary Capability Covered: Organization Development and Culture

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Caroline Cope
Caroline Cope

Senior Researcher, ATD

Caroline Cope joined the Association for Talent Development (ATD) in 2021 as a senior researcher in the research department. Before joining ATD, she studied trends related to graduate education and training for the American Psychological Association as a research officer. She has a master’s degree in sociology from American University.

Rocki Basel
Rocki Basel

Director, Research, ATD

Rocki Basel, Ph.D. joined the Association for Talent Development (ATD) in 2022 as the associate director of research. Before joining ATD, she was a researcher for other national membership organizations. Her research interests include workplace culture, employee engagement, mental health, and organizational communication. She has a Ph.D. in communication studies from Kent State University. 


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