
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

DEMO: Work Smarter, Not Harder: Creating and Maintaining Agile Sales Playbooks

Monday, September 26, 2022 2:00pm - 2:30pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Raquel Ferrari, Revenue Enablement Manager, Spekit

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This Webinar has ended, but you can view its content in the archive below.

Sales playbooks—the secret sauce for how each role in your organization is performed and contributes to goals—are a key ingredient for scaling enablement. They give your team the singular version of what good looks like.

But traditional sales playbooks aren’t:

  • Adaptable to evolve alongside your process, product, and market
  • Sustainable
  • Valuable to tenured as well as new reps
  • Accessible in their current format

How do you fix that? Create sales playbooks that are agile, useful, accessible, and valuable.

In this demo, you will learn:

  • The benefits of an agile playbook model
  • How to create your own agile playbooks with the tech you already have
  • How Spekit seamlessly creates this framework where your employees already work


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Raquel Ferrari
Raquel Ferrari

Revenue Enablement Manager, Spekit


  • Spekit