
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

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Hold for Teachers to Trainers

Friday, October 30, 2020 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Lisa Spinelli, Content Manager, ATD


Lisa Spinelli
Lisa Spinelli

Content Manager, ATD

Lisa Spinelli is the Career Development Content Manager and Job Bank administrator at ATD. Prior to joining ATD, she worked as a content strategist, editor and journalist for over 14 years. She has managed teams, websites, and social media accounts as well as reported and edited articles for places like America's Blood Centers, ID.me, Red Herring, the Boston Phoenix and Patch. Some of her works have been published with Fast Company, Huffington Post, Mental Floss, Northern Virginia Magazine, Houston Chronicle, St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the Associated Press, to name a few. With her diverse and inside knowledge of content development and creation along with content acquisition, management and marketing, Lisa brings a fresh unique perspective to the role. She resides in Northern Virginia with her three divas and Air Force veteran husband. Follow her on Twitter @atdcareerdev.