Video is a popular delivery modality for training. It is easy to repurpose Zoom recordings and curate YouTube videos for enhancing knowledge. The problem is that asking people to push play and answer some quiz questions is usually a poor learning experience. In this democast we will show you how DigitalChalk’s unique video authoring function turns your videos into interactive learning experiences that engage your target audience and ensure they absorb and retain more of the material than ever before.
Attendees of this session will learn how DigtalChalk:
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Nick Rini, co-founder and chief revenue officer of Sciolytix, leads the company’s sales and marketing divisions. His expertise ranges from revenue development, sales forensics, sales effectiveness, and marketing to raising venture funding and mergers and acquisitions. Previously, Nick previously led three tech start-ups as CEO, served as an advisor to several tech company CEOs, and held sales leadership positions with companies such as Candle Corporation (IBM) and Citadel (Intel). Nick is a Smithsonian-Computerworld Innovation Laureate.
As Client Success Manager of Sciolytix, J has helped to refine and deliver the superior onboarding experience that DigitalChalk customers have come to expect. His expertise centers around exploring and uncovering business goals, special needs, and systems architecture requirements necessary to meet the rigorous demands of an ever-changing technology landscape. DigitalChalk carries a Net Promoter Score on par with some of the most respected brands in the world, which is evidence of J’s knowledge, dedication, and commitment.