
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

6 Employee Development Best Practices: Beyond learning to deepening the employee experience

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Todd Erickson, Director of Product, Instructure

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This Webinar has ended, but you can view its content in the archive below.

Ninety-eight percent of companies say they offer employee development tools, but only 26 percent of employees say they see these programs as effective. How do we better connect our learning and development programs to create the experiences employees seek?

Join us to discover the latest insights into what employees are demanding, such as career planning, fulfillment through connections, belonging, and goal attainment. Then learn more about the best practices and tools needed to create effective employee development programs.

You will:

  • Learn how to connect your learning programs to each phase of an employee’s development, creating a better employee experience overall.
  • Get effective employee development best practices and insights.
  • Discover what drives your people and how that shapes their unique career pathing and personal development.


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Todd Erickson
Todd Erickson

Director of Product, Instructure

Todd Ericksen has been involved in envisioning and building software for more than a decade. He is passionate about creating useful and engaging tools and leading teams to provide value to customers as fast as possible. He is curious and can dig into almost any problem with creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Ericksen is especially passionate about how we connect with one another, how organizations make decisions, and how to learn and grow at work.


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