
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

Using Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Wednesday, May 2, 2018 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Matthew Lippincott, VP, Business Solutions, Daniel Goleman EQ Coaching & Training , Key Step Media

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Incorporating stories shared by leaders from around the world, Matt Lippincott will explore examples illustrating how developing emotional intelligence (EI) improved individual and team performance. In this webcast, you will learn about:

  • how EI is believed to influence behavioral changes and contribute to workplace results
  • how developing EI saved a career
  • the influence of EI on team performance, leading to career advancement
  • the role EI played in navigating a potentially disastrous hiring process.


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Matthew Lippincott
Matthew Lippincott

VP, Business Solutions, Daniel Goleman EQ Coaching & Training, Key Step Media

Matthew completed his doctoral work at the University of Pennsylvania, where he investigated the relationship between leadership effectiveness, emotional intelligence (EI), and mindfulness. Matt has authored 14 articles on EI, mindfulness, and leader performance, including one in Harvard Business Review. He is also a co-author with Dan Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Peter Senge, Amy Gallo, Vanessa Druskat, and others featured in four emotional intelligence reference books.

Matthew has previously held leadership roles at two major software companies, SAS Institute and i2 Technologies (now jda), where he managed operations and teams in North America and Europe. He has also raised capital, and held leadership and board-level positions with smaller organizations. Matt has been a Junior Olympic competitor (Tae Kwon Do), worked as an outdoor guide, tribal youth counselor, and with Army Corp of Engineers archaeologists.