
Future Workplace Webinars

How IDEO Teaches Design Thinking, Effectively and Collaboratively, Online

Wednesday, November 8, 2017 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST  
Host: Future Workplace Webinars
By: Greg Bybee, Head of Learning Experience, NovoEd and David Good, Head of Product, IDEO U, IDEO

Award-winning design firm IDEO wants to populate the world with more creative leaders. As a truly creative innovator, IDEO uses a design thinking approach: a human-centered, design-based framework to help other organizations innovate and grow. Join this webinar to learn about IDEO U, an online school, developed on the NovoEd platform, where both individuals and teams can unlock their creative potential through design thinking and collaboration.

Together we’ll explore:
IDEO’s recipe for training design thinkers (and how you can do it, too!)
The business benefits of design thinking and IDEO’s approach to innovation
Best practices for effective, engaging, and collaborative online training 


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Greg Bybee
Greg Bybee

Head of Learning Experience, NovoEd

Greg is an education technologist and vice president at NovoEd. He and his team have designed, built, and launched more than 500 training programs reaching more than 1.5 million learners. Greg holds an MA-Ed and MBA from Stanford, and a BA from Harvard.

David Good
David Good

Head of Product, IDEO U, IDEO

Dave is the Product Lead at IDEO U. He is dedicated to making tech-enabled education reach its potential. He brings order to chaos for users, teams, and companies, using a secret blend of strategic vision, process, and communication. Previously he was the Director of Product Management at UniversityNow and the Co-Founder of GameCrush. Dave brings 15+ years of experience with all sizes of companies, teams, and user communities, and an MBA from UC Berkeley Haas.


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