
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

Up Is Not the Only Way: Rethinking Career Mobility

Thursday, September 28, 2017 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Dr. Beverly Kaye, Founder, Reimagining Career Mobility: Up Is Not; Lynn Cowart, Vice President for Global Delivery, Career Systems International; and Lindy Williams, Designer and Senior Consultant, Career Systems International

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Today’s marketplace demands an agile workforce. Organizational structures have become fluid and flexible. As a result, career mobility has emerged as essential for individuals at all levels. No longer is mobility just about assuming the greater responsibilities that come with a promotion.

Career mobility today is about flexibility and agility. It is a rich mix of experiences, roles, assignments, and options. Savvy careerists have come to appreciate the ability and willingness to explore multiple opportunities and experiences. To succeed in a rapidly changing environment, employees need to recognize when new opportunities for growth emerge and be ready with options when others fade or change.

Like the navigation systems we rely on to reroute our travels based on unexpected traffic congestion, shortcut options and last-minute detours, a career mobility mindset will provide a foundation for resilience in a changing world of work.

After participating in this webcast, learners will be able to:
-Learn about the business case for career mobility
-Understand how career mobility supports engagement and retention efforts
-Gain insight on six distinct experiences that can keep your workforce mobility-ready
-Expand thinking on the responsibilities of individuals, managers, and organizations 



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Dr. Beverly Kaye
Dr. Beverly Kaye

Founder, Reimagining Career Mobility: Up Is Not

Beverly Kaye is an internationally recognized authority on career issues, retention, and engagement in the workplace. She was named a Legend by ATD. The designation of Legend is given to “pioneers and prophets in the field of workplace learning and performance.” The criteria that Legends must meet are enduring impact and influence; originality of ideas; a career of sustained currency; work done more than five years ago that is currently discussed, applied, and adapted; a substantive body of published work; and a contribution that raises the visibility, credibility, and stature of the field. She has also been named one of North America's 100 top thought leaders by Leadership Excellence.

As founder and CEO of Career Systems International and a bestselling author on workplace performance, Beverly has worked with a host of organizations to establish cutting-edge, award-winning talent development solutions. Her first book, Up Is Not the Only Way, became a classic, and although it was published in the early 1980s, it is still very relevant today. In it, she foresaw the effects that leaner, flatter organizations would have on individual careers and the subsequent need for workers to take charge of their own careers. She also developed systems for managers and employees to work together to help employees achieve their developmental goals.

Lynn Cowart
Lynn Cowart

Vice President for Global Delivery, Career Systems International

Lynn Cowart has 20 years of HR experience working with some of the most successful and powerful names in business. In her current role as vice president for quality delivery, she ensures that Career Systems International delivers solutions that are simple, engaging, flexible, and business focused.

Lindy Williams
Lindy Williams

Designer and Senior Consultant, Career Systems International

Lindy Williams held roles in operations and human resources before stepping out of the corporate world to work on designing and implementing award-winning development processes. She now serves as a designer and senior consultant for Career Systems International.