
Webvent Academy

Bringing Professionals Together

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Real World Mentoring Programs

Monday, September 19, 2016 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT  
Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Jennifer Labin, Chief Talent & Diversity Officer, MentorcliQ

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Jennifer Labin
Jennifer Labin

Chief Talent & Diversity Officer, MentorcliQ

Jenn Labin, Chief Talent & Diversity Officer at MentorcliQ has over 15 years of experience in talent development, training and design. Previously Jenn was the owner of TERP Associates which was recently acquired by MentorcliQ. Combining TERP's expertise with MentorcliQ's
award-winning mentoring software to expand mentoring content, training and value for customers. Jenn is the author of Mentoring Programs That Work, a unique approach to building scalable and sustainable mentoring programs. She is a regular presenter at the ATD
International Conference, ATD chapters and MentorCom.