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Genex Services

The Heart and Science of Medical Management


  • Highest-Quality Clinical Services

    Case Management: Promote optimal medical care at the onset of injury. Effective early intervention can expedite successful return to work and decrease medical disability and litigation costs.

    Catastrophic Case Management: Respond promptly to catastrophic needs to provide the injured employee with immediate access to case managers who are specially trained to handle life-threatening injuries.

    Utilization Review
    : Meet utilization review regulatory requirements while reducing administrative costs, ensuring recommendations are defensible, streamlining the decision-making process, and accelerating the delivery of approved, appropriate medical care...
    More Information » www.genexservices.com/workers-comp-disability-mana...

    Highest-Quality Clinical Services
  • Intelligent Systems

    Genex’s intelligent systems, paired with our clinical services, enable firms to eliminate unnecessary and unrelated treatment, identify and manage high-risk exposures, and ensure compliance with state laws and regulations.

    Medical Bill Review Services
    : Realize greater savings through the combination of streamlined paperless processing, experienced medical bill auditors, and professional nursing staff.

    Medication Safety Program
    : Balance drug price and utilization; identify cases at high risk for addiction; ensure only approved, appropriate drugs are dispensed; and proactively reduce narcotic use.

    More Information » www.genexservices.com/medical-cost-containment-sol...

    Intelligent Systems
  • Answering the "So What?" of Big Data

    Genex helps companies improve visibility into medical exposure, answer relevant questions that impact WC programs, and create custom solutions that optimize program design effectiveness and efficiency. Using comprehensive medical spend analytics synthesized by experienced data analysts and industry experts, we provide more than just reports—we deliver meaningful, actionable conclusions in order to identify issues before they become costly problems.

    More Information » www.genexservices.com/integrated-risk-solutions

    Answering the



  • Jenn Lyons
    Jenn Lyons

    Director of Marketing
    Genex Services
    Wayne, Pennsylvania